Happy Tuesday! As I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee and pursuing the internet as I often do (daily), I stumbled across a really cool “new” ( at least to me) Streetwear Brand of clothing.
Way Before the Fame is a cool brand that I found while searching around clips on the reddit skateboarding forum. I always like to check reddit for cool new stuff as most of the kids use that and Instagram for social media these days. I say kids so that makes me sounds really old but I use them too so can I still be a kid? lol
Anyway, I was lead to the streetwear startup thread and started to scroll down. I have always been a fan of streetwear. My homie Brick owns Time bomb in Pittsburgh and that is one of the oldest streetwear shops around. Scrolling and scrolling I saw this video about a dude printing on supreme blanks.
This brought me to the Instagram of the brand and I was hooked! Now usually the stuff I like most people dont but I think you will agree that there is def something for everyone. I think they def have some cool vibes going on with clothing and content.
So what does this have to do with FunBox Skateboards and Skateboarding in general you may be asking? Well nothing really except skateboarders are some of the most excepting people around. We are very tolerant and creative for the most part. We always root for the underdog and we generally want to see others win. At least I do. So I raise my coffee mug to you Waybeforethefame and say thank you and god bless you! Please keep pushing forward and giving the rest of us hope and inspiration.
#thankyouskateboarding for allow all of us here at Funbox to be able to survive in the sport the we love!!